David throwing cards at the camera.

I sort of fell into the art of magic. I ordered a deck of cards and along with it came five free magic tutorials. I feverishly practiced in front of my bathroom mirror, family members, and strangers around campus. Slowly but surely, I was learning the same secrets that had been passed along for ages and I was enamored.

I was driven by curiosity and passion. My performances started to follow me into bars, family gatherings, and even the office. While entertaining a couple of people at a bar, I realized what I had truly learned. I didn’t just figure out how to do “tricks” but instead, I actually discovered real magic.

The craft that I had spent years perfecting was actually a robust and mighty tool that could be used to inspire, entertain, and bring people together. Since then, I always carry a pack of cards because you never know when someone could use a little magic in their day.